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Medical Sound LibraryAuscultate

As a student or medical professional, it is unlikely you will ever come across all “commonly” auscultated sounds, let alone, rare pathology, during your lifetime.
Auscultate, brings these sounds to you. On-demand.

What is Auscultate?

Auscultate is a medical sound library and web application to help you learn the physical exam skill of auscultation. You'll learn to identify and differentiate between various heart sounds and ultimately apply this to your clinical practice through interactive images, videos, quizes and other interactive content.

The Sound Library

Organized by category based on pathology, timing of sounds, normal sounds and by organ system. This grouping is the foundation you'll need to starting learning and differentiating normal versus abnormal sounds.

Heart Sounds

The collection of heart sounds includes normal sounds and a variety of abnormal heart sounds organized by location, pathology and timing of the heart sounds by their timing in systole/diastole. This also includes exclusive sounds not found on our Youtube channel.
  • Normal Heart Sounds
  • Aortic Regurgitation
  • Mitral Stenosis
  • Mitral Valve Prolapse
  • Pericardial Friction Rub (exclusive)
  • Patent Ductus Arteriosis (exclusive)
  • Atrial Septal Defect
  • Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (exclusive)
  • Pulmonic Stenosis (exclusive)
  • And many more ...

Lung Sounds

The lung sound collection provides an overview and comparison of normal lung sounds, adventitious lung sounds and transmitted lung sounds that can be heard in various pathologies. This also includes exclusive sounds not found on our Youtube channel.
  • Vesicular Breath Sounds
  • Bronchial Breath Sounds
  • Tracheal Breath Sounds (exclusive)
  • Bronchovesicular Breath Sounds
  • Stridor
  • Fine Crakles (Rales)
  • Coarse Rales
  • Pleural Rub (exclusive)
  • Egophony (exclusive)
  • Bronchophony (exclusive)
  • And many more ...

Unique Sound Variations

A sound group might have different variations of a sound. Sounds at the apex may differ from sounds at the base. A sound may vary depending on severity of the pathology. Whatever the variation is, you can toggle between them to listen to each variation.

Side-by-Side Sound

Some heart sounds sound similar, and differentiating between the two can be difficult. On Auscultate, you can compare sounds side by side by clicking the icon to reveal a list of comparable sounds.

Interactive Content

We learn the fastest and retain information longer when we use multiple formats/mediums for learning. With Auscultate, you interact with the content through sound, images, videos and tacticle feedback with the click of a mouse.

Train Your Ears & Test Yourself

Reinforce & test your hearing comprehension with quizes. On Auscultate, sounds are radomized and presented to you in multiple choice format, with feedback after each answer so that you can learn from your mistakes.

Beyond The Sound & Into The Clinic

Learning the physical exam skill of auscultation is only useful if you can associate this to clinical presentations. On Auscultate, we're using CodeHealth's clinical case reports to help you associate what you learn to real life medical cases.

Who is Auscultate for?

Auscultate was made for healthcare and medical professionals and students.
The sound library is a perfect reference for students and professionals to revisit and compare sounds you might hear in clinic.
For Students
Using Auscultate's interactive software, students are able to hear and learn normal and abdnormal heart sounds before ever stepping into a clinic.
For New Graduates
Junior doctors, nurses and other advance healthcare providers will learn to differentiate between sounds and start associating these with real-world examples.
For Professionals
Professionals will reinforce their knowledge by analyzing sounds and correlating them to real-world pathology with Auscultate's clinical correlation feature.


$34.99 / One-time fee
Unlimited lifetime access

What are you waiting for?

You can access the Auscultate app through your Medzcool account - login and subscribe. If you don’t have a Medzcool account, you can create one here.